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57.91 GBP
Trend DWS/KIT/C Complete Sharpeners Kit
Trend DWS/KIT/C Complete Sharpeners Kit
A complete sharpeners diamond whetstone kit containing of:-
1. A precision handmade credit card size diamond stone, double sided.
Fine 600 grit (25 micron) and coarse 300 grit (50 micron).
Perfect for fluted, shaped and small router bits, chisels, plane blades, Carbide or HSS Turning tools, carving tools & all general tooling.
2. A versatile 3-inch half round / flat mini tapered file designed for woodworking, gardening & domestic tooling.
Fine 600 grit (25 micron Contoured hand-grip of split plastic pinned either side of blade.
Suitable for woodturning gouge external and internal bevel edges, skews, model engineering, carving tools, router cutters, saw blades, small chisels, knives, serrated edges, plastics and metals, pruners, shears and all shaped tooling.
3. Lapping Fluid designed for use with all quality diamond abrasive products. Use in place of water to reduce the threat of rusting by 95%. Reduces chance of clogging and improves diamond performance.
4. Includes James Barry Sharpening Made Easy DVD and Sharpening Booklet which is full of hints and tips on sharpening all tools including router cutters, sawblades, chisels, planes and knives etc.
5. Cleaning block. Used to conserve life of stones.
£57.91 Excl. VAT £69.49 Incl. VAT

Availability: In stock

Grade is rated Fine & Coarse  Grit CC=600 & 300 (nom. 25 & 50 micron)  Grit TF3M=600 (nom. 25 micron)  File size =75 mm  Credit card size=85 x 50 x 1.6 mm  Lapping fluid size=60ml  Not to be sold to persons underage
Product Includes
1 x DWS/CC/FC Credit card stone with non slip mat
1 x DWS/TF3M/F 3-inch mini taper file
1 x DWS/LF/100 Lapping fluid
1 x DVD/DWS/SME Sharpening DVD
1 x BOOK/DWS Booklet
1 x DWS/CB/A Cleaning block
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