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What are raised panel

router cutters?

  shop for raised panel router cutters     
  Examples of raised panel router cutters and the grooves and edge shaping they can cut on pieces of wood  

Raised panel router cutters are used in frame and panel door construction to cut away the panel edge so that it fits into the rail and stile grooves, producing a decorative bevel, radius, ogee, or ovolo moulding shape.


Raised panel cutters should be used in a router table only, and come in horizontal and vertical varieties. 



  A two-fluted raised panel router cutter  


Most raised panel cutters have two flutes and so should produce a reasonably clean finish. 

  Diagram to show that raised panel router cutters can have the bottom cut facility  

Bottom cut

Large-diameter, horizontal raised panel cutters without guides have the bottom cut facility and are used for moulding straight edges against the table guide fence. 

  A raised panel router cutter with a ball bearing guide  


Some horizontal raised panel cutters have a ball bearing guide fitted beneath the cutting edges. 


Straight or shaped panels can be moulded (raised) by running the ball bearing against either the workpiece itself or against a template mounted above or below it.


ApplicationsShop for craftpro panel raisers

  Mouldings created by a raised panel router cutter  

Raised panel moulding

Raised panel router cutters are used for shaping the edges of panels, so that they fit into the grooves in the rails and stiles and appear to be floating within the frame. 

  Decorative moulding created by a raised panel router cutter  

The decorative moulding on the face of the panel is usually down to personal preference. However, the panel thickness should be taken into consideration. 


Panels must be of suitable thickness for the overall frame size and have a finished edge thickness that is able to fit in the panel groove, but not be too tight as this may cause the rear groove edge to curl outward.

  Image showing that TREND raised panel cutters match the profiles of their scribe and profile cutters  

The Trend range of raised panel router cutters matches the Trend range of scribe and profile cutters, so by choosing complementing styles from both ranges you can create frame and panel door constructions that will fit together and be visually appealing.


Simply consult the product description of your particular raised panel cutter for suitable scribe and profile cutters that match. 




Raised panel router cutters are available in the following Trend ranges:

  The TREND Professional TCT router cutter range    
  The TREND Craft Pro router cutter range    



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